Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democrat:
  • Republican:
  • Other:
  • Total:

Becoming a Candidate

If you are interested in becoming a candidate, you may call our Candidate Coordinator at 758-1026, ext 3103 or email to ask specific questions and set up an interview. 

What is a Candidate?

A candidate is any person to whom any one or more of the following applies:

  • Any person who seeks to qualify for nomination or election by means of a petitioning process.
  • Any person who seeks to qualify for election as a write-in candidate.
  • Any person who receives contributions or makes expenditures or gives their consent for any other person to receive contributions or make expenditures with a view to bringing about their nomination or election to, or retention in, public office.
  • Any person who appoints a treasurer and designates a primary depository.
  • Any person who files qualification papers and subscribes to a candidate's oath as required by law.

 However, this definition does not include any candidate for a political party executive committee.


  • County Commission candidates for Districts 1 through 5 must reside in the district for which they are qualifying at the time of qualifying to run;
  • School board candidates must reside in the district for which they are qualifying at the time of assuming office (Florida Statute 1001.361).;
  • If required, one's current position or office must be resigned under the "Resign To Run" law (Florida Statute 99.012).


When do I announce my candidacy?

  • Candidacy may be announced at any time;
  • Must file Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository (Form DS-DE 9) with the Supervisor of Elections' office before any contributions are accepted or expenditures are made or petition signatures gathered;
  • Must file a Statement of Candidate (Form DS-DE 84) within ten (10) days of filing the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository;
  • A judicial candidate must file a Statement of Candidate for Judicial Office (Form DS-DE 83) within ten (10) days of filing the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository.
  • Legislative Candidates must contact the filing officer with the Department of State Division of Elections.

Is it possible to run for a different office after I become a candidate?

Yes, under Florida Statutes, you may change your mind and run for a different office after becoming a candidate, providing that you do the following:

  • File a new Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository, designating the new office;
  • Withing 15 days of the new appointment, notify, in writing, all contributors and offer to return their contributions in full or pro rata. The Request for Return of Contributions (Form DS-DE 86) may be used for such purpose;
  • If, after 30 days from this notice, the contributor has not requested his contribution to be returned, you may use the funds in the campaign for your newly designated office.



Tomi S. Brown, Supervisor of Elections, Columbia County


971 W. Duval St., Ste 102, Lake City, FL 32055-3728
PHONE: (386) 758-1026 | HOURS: Mon-Fri., 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

17579 SW SR 47, Ft. White, FL 32038
PHONE: (386) 497-1293 | HOURS: Tues, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

The Columbia County Supervisor of Elections strives to provide reasonable accomodations to help people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate on our website. If you experience any difficulty accessing any part of this website, please call (386) 758-1026 or email for further assistance.